Centre for Drug Research USM

CDR Activities


Pharmacists play an important role in society, and they should be celebrated. USM World Pharmacist Day aims to show appreciation for the hard work that pharmacists and pharmacy students do every day. CDR has participated in the USM World Pharmacist Day celebration organised by School of Pharmaceutical Science which was held at DPU between 23 and 24th September 2022. This year’s World Pharmacist Day Exhibition was all about adding excitement to the event. CDR did this by having a booth where visitors could involve in various activities such as crossword puzzles and games designed by CDR Journal Club members for visitors with a theme of addiction problem. AADK was also invited to open a drug of abuse exhibition booth alongside the CDR booth to further enhance the visitor experience and knowledge regarding the addiction problem in Malaysia. Overall, the event appears to have been a success in terms of raising awareness and engaging the public.

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  • Hits: 2004

Centre for Drug Research,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-658 3444/ +604-653 3888 Ext. 3272  |   Faks : +604-656 8669
E-mail :  dir_cdr@usm.my

Last Modified:
Wednesday 18 December 2024, 03:20:29.