Centre for Drug Research USM



Using the facilities that we have, we provide services to academic institutions and industries.  The services that we provide include:

  1. Involving use of equipments: soxhlet apparatus, rotary evaporator, freeze dryer, dissolution apparatus, FTIR, HPLC (ECD, DAD, UV/Vis, fluorescence), GCMS, LC-MS/MS, microplate reader, liquid scintillation counter, animal behaviour equipments (place preference system, operant conditioning system, passive/active avoidance system, tail flick and hot plate apparatus, elevated and modular mazes, Morris water maze, automated open field, rotarod), microdialysis system, microsurgery microscope and stereotaxic, electrophysiology equipment, telemetric EEG, dual picostat, cell culture equipments (biosafety cabinet class II, inverted microscope, CO2 incubator), shaker incubator, voltohmmeter and chopstick electrode pair, thermal cycler, electrophoresis system and gel imaging.
  2. Lab tests: MIC and MTT assays, bacteria count

Contact persons:

Prof. Dr. Mohd. Nizam Mordi

Mrs. Nur Sabrina Mohd. Yusof

research services





  • Hits: 8890

Centre for Drug Research,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-658 3444/ +604-653 3888 Ext. 3272  |   Faks : +604-656 8669
E-mail :  dir_cdr@usm.my

Last Modified:
Wednesday 18 December 2024, 03:20:29.