Centre for Drug Research USM

CDR Activities

Public Lecture by Professor Dr. Sharif Mahsufi Mansor

Collage Prof Sharif Syarahan Umum

14th December 2017, Professor Dr. Sharif Mahsufi Mansor, eminent professor at CDR gave a public lecture on Ketum (Mitragyna speciosa): Sejarah Penggunaan dan Penemuan Terkini. The lecture was attended by top management of Universiti Sains Malaysia including the university’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Asma Ismail, the university’s staff and students, PDRM Narcotic Department, media, and members of the public. In his lecture, Prof. Sharif explained about the historical use of ketum, findings from scientific research and potential areas to be further investigated regarding the plant. The lecture was very informative and ended with lunch hosted by CDR.

  • Hits: 3667

Centre for Drug Research,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-658 3444/ +604-653 3888 Ext. 3272  |   Faks : +604-656 8669
E-mail :  dir_cdr@usm.my

Last Modified:
Wednesday 18 December 2024, 03:20:29.